Weihai vigorously implements the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, actively cultivates and strengthens seven industrial clusters, and promotes the accurate docking and effective transformation of global scientific and technological innovation achievements and industrial resources.
웨이하이시는 새로운 원동력을 계기로 7대 산업클러스터의 성장을 적극적으로 돕고 글로벌 과학기술혁신 성과와 산업자원을 정확하게 연계 시킵니다.
New Generation of Information Technology
Mainly includes: printing, scanning equipment, 3D printing equipment, monitor, and other computer peripheral products, self-service terminals, Beidou navigation terminal, on-board video surveillance, intelligent meters, sensors, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT), Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS), U-key and other network settings, infra-red sensor and other special semiconductor products and materials.
차세대 정보 기술
프린트, 스캔설비, 3D프린트 설비, 디스플레이등 컴퓨터 외장 제품, 스마트 서비스 단말기, 북두네비게이션 단말기, 차량용 블랙박스, 스마트 워치, 센서, 주파수 식별 시스템 (RFID) 절연그리드이중형트랜지스터(IGBT), 미세전자제어기술(MEMS) ,U-KEY 등 인터넷 설비 제품, 적외선 센싱특수 반도체 및 반도체 재료
New Medicine and Medical Equipment
Mainly includes: heart stent and heart consumables, blood purification equipment and consumables, orthopedic materials, ICU products and accessories, large volume syringes and other drugs, renal products, artificial plasma and other medical devices (consumables), candesartan ester tablets, flunaril hydrochloride capsule and other proprietary Chinese medicine and plant medicine, biological drugs and genetic engineering drugs.
의약 및 의료기기
심장STENT 및 소모품, 혈액정화설비 및 소모품, 정형외과용소재, ICU 제품 및 부속품, 주사기 “I 기타 품, 신장관련 의료 설비, 인공혈장등 의료기기(소모재). CANDESARTAN CILEXETIL TABLETS, Flunarizine hydrochloride capsule등 중약품 및 한방 원재료를 활용한 약품, 바이오 약품, 유전자 관련 약품 등.
Advanced Equipment and Intelligent Manufacturing
Mainly includes: marine instruments, marine robots, marine matching and special equipment, large CNC machine tools, pumps, pressure vessels, complete sets of printing equipment, motors, fans, manual tools, large CNC equipment, aviation ground equipment, automatic dressing equipment, intelligent medical equipment.
첨단 장비 및 스마트 제조
해양관련기기, 해양 로봇, 해양 부가 설비 및 특종장비등 대형CNC작업기계, 펌프류, 압력용기, 인쇄장비 세트, 모터, 풍력기, 수동장비, 대형 디지털 제어 장비, 항공관련 설비, 자동화 광물 탐지기, 스마트 의료 설비.
Carbon Fiber and Other Composite Materials
Mainly includes: carbon fiber and composite material, medical new material, magnesium aluminum alloy material, new energy saving and environmental protection building material, new chemical material, photoelectric photothermal material wear resistant material, rare earth functional material, high performance composite material, high performance tungsten molybdenum material, nano material and so on.
탄소섬유등 복합소재
탄소섬유 및 복합소재, 의료용 신소재, 마그날륨 합금, 신 에너지 친환경 건축자재, 신 화학소재, 광전열소재,내마모성 소재, 희토류 기능성 소재, 고성능 복합 소재, 고성능 텅스텐 몰리브덴재, 나노소재등.
Marine Biology and Healthy Food
Mainly includes: marine biological drugs, marine health products, marine biological fertilizer, marine biological materials, marine cosmetics, frozen aquatic products, frozen conditioning food, ready-to-eat snack food, Panax quinquefolius health products and so on.
해양생물과 건강식품
해양 바이오 약품, 해양보건품, 해양생물비료, 해양생물 소재, 해양 생물 활용한 화장품, 냉동 수산품, 냉동 조리 식품, 즉석레저식품, 서양삼보건품등.
Fashion and Leisure Sports Products
Mainly includes: clothing, cotton textiles, woven and hand-carpet, home textile products, shoes and luggage, etc.; fishing rod, fishing line wheel, fishing gear accessories, towing tent-style RV towing hard-top RV, FRP yacht, high speed boat, sports boat and so on.
패션과 레포츠 상품
패션의,면직물, 기계직물 및 수공 카펫, 가정용 패브릭, 신발 및 가방; 낚시대, 스피닝 릴, 낚시 도구, 텐트, 캠핑카, 요트, 고속정, 스포츠보트등.
Health Care Tourism
Mainly includes: all kinds of medical institutions, high-end physical examination institutions, medical and educational institutions, rehabilitation and physiotherapy institutions, health management institutions, high-end pension institutions, high-end hotels, special homes, theme parks, cultural creativity, sports and leisure, film and television bases.
의료기관, 프리미엄 건강검진 기관, 의료 교육 기관, 재활치료기관, 건강관리기관, 프리미엄 노양기관, 프리미엄 호텔, 테마파크, 이색 펜션, 문화창의, 스포츠레저, 영화 체험공간등.